Isn't this a great shirt?
We left Mulege on a slightly overcast morning.
In no time it seemed we were having our first body break.
Then it was time to get back on the road......
and time to start the climb which I had been dreading.
Luckily we were stuck behind a semi which caused us to go really slow.
Even though the edge was on my side it was a lot less scary climbing than it had been when we were going downhill.
It just went on and on.......
I had to do a lot of "left" leaning.
Bicycle gang. You see many more of these in the Baja than motorcycles.
This is blurry but hopefully you can see how many Mexicans travel.
There are many things blooming right now including cactus.
It's been awhile. This is for Teegan.
We ended the day in Guerrero Negro which is a great place to view the Grey Whales in Scammon's Lagoon where they come to mate and give birth.
Most of the people in our caravan had gone to see them on their way south a couple of weeks ago. When Dave and I went through Guerrero Negro at the beginning of November the whales had not arrived so we decided we had to see them now. The next morning we went on a whale watching tour and the rest of the caravan left without us. It was amazing! On the way to the lagoon we passed a sea salt factory.There were approximately 1500 whales in the lagoon. In every direction that you looked there were whales. Sorry if I bore you with too many pictures. I still can't get over it.

After that amazing experience we hit the road to join the caravan at the next camp site.
I'm telling you, Mexico is not happy that we are leaving. Look at that sky.
We are getting close to our destination, Bahia de Los Angeles (Bay of Angels).
The view from our trailer was pretty nice.
A great sunrise, as usual.
There were many pelicans on the beach.
We hosted a chilly happy hour.
As bad as it looks, we only got a sprinkling of rain.
We got an early start for a long day of travel.
Once again Cleo cut her paw on something by tearing down the beach chasing the birds.
We are back to the boulder fields.
We stopped for a lunch break and had a great view of the road ahead.
I checked out some of the surrounding vegetation.
So many kinds of prickly things.
The cows sure hang out close to the road.
Sunset at our campsite in Vicente Guerrero.
We had a great dinner hosted by our wagon masters.
The beginning of our last full day in Mexico we saw lots of workers in the fields.
We had a really beautiful drive through wine country.
Unfortunately there was something dirty on our window.
We went through Ensenada.
We arrived at our campground in Valle De Guadalupe, had lunch, then left on an excursion for a wine tour and tasting. It was great.
Dave bought a new hat at the winery. It was his birthday, after all.
Let the tasting begin!
Our last Mexican campsite.
Our final happy hour gathering.
The moon is even brighter tonight.
On the road, and only 75 km to the border.
We still have a dirty window.
We made it through the border crossing with no hassle and pulled over to say our goodbye's to all of our new friends before everyone went their own way. That is the end of our Mexican adventure for this year. We had a scenic drive to a nice campground in El Cajon, California.
It's been awhile since we've been on a freeway.
We get pretty good sunsets here too.
We will be spending the next month in California, Oregon & Washington before returning to Vancouver Island for a couple of months. Let the adventure continue!
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