Thursday, 22 October 2015

Nobody has a muffler here

What a start to our "adventure".  I woke up at 3:10 a.m. because Dave got out of bed.  Since I was awake I thought I might as well "go" while I'm awake.  Wow! Was it cold!  Turns out Dave got up because he realized we were going to be Popsicles by morning.  The furnace had stopped running at some point because our batteries had gone dead.  He tried to start the generator which wouldn't start because "our batteries were dead".  What we learned from this:  when you are boondocking don't wait until your batteries are dead.  Charge them up occasionally.  Anyways, after a couple hours of trying to start the gennie, starting the truck to charge battery, getting icicles off things, discussing whether to try & sleep or go, we decided to get up & leave. 
After a quick pick up at Tim's we were on the road by 6:30.  The city was fine but once we got out of town it was very foggy.

It was much nicer once the sun started to come up.

North Dakota is pretty boring.  Pretty much like the prairies.
South Dakota is just slightly more interesting.  
If you are in the market for a coonskin cap I think South Dakota is your place.  There is a dead raccoon on the side of the road at least every mile.  
We arrived at the Dakota Sioux Casino in Watertown, South Dakota and very shortly realized that it must be cool to not have a muffler on your vehicle.  
We also realized that we need bigger drink cozies.  
It's amazing what $2.29 can get you.  23.5 oz. of a 12% alcohol margarita beer cooler.  After one drink (after which we were completely bombed) we decided to go take advantage of our casino coupons.  We each had a coupon for $2.00 off dinner to be used at the the deli or dining room.  We chose the deli and each ordered the $2.50 pizza.  Hello! That was .50 each for our pizza!  
They may not have been the biggest pizzas but they were really good & the drinks were free.  We know how to live the good life!
We just had to buy one more cooler for another day.  We also bought some milk.

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