Monday, 26 October 2015

This could be a mistake

We had a couple of gorgeous days in the campground in St. Joseph, Missouri.  We had a fire on Saturday night and visited with a couple from Michigan who go to Texas for the winter.

The sunset was beautiful.
Sunday morning was misty over the water.
Sunday was a great day.  We gave the trailer a really good cleaning, did some laundry, then went for a walk.

Monday morning Dave was up bright and early to take the truck in for service at 6:45.  He got a ride back to the campground and the dealership picked him up when the truck was ready.  I'm not exactly sure what was done, I know it had something to do with an injector.  We were just happy that we were in the right place when it happened and it was under warrantee so it didn't cost us anything.  
We left Missouri at 12:30 and cut across part of Kansas. 
It was overcast which was nice for travelling.

The only thing that surprised us more than the number of dead raccoons on the side of the road throughout South Dakota and Missouri is the number of semis on the road.  I think they outnumber the cars in some areas.
They have lots of wind turbines in Kansas.  
We arrived in Oklahoma without even a welcome sign.  If the GPS hadn't told us we wouldn't have known.
We pulled into Walmart in Blackwell, OK and were surprised to see "no overnight RV parking" signs.  We got back on the highway and enjoyed the sunset.

I phoned ahead to the next Walmart in Perry, Oklahoma and was told we could stay there.  As soon as we arrived we wondered if we were making a mistake.  There are no other RV's here and we can see why.  The Walmart is from another era, doesn't have the groceries we were hoping to buy, loud trucks are racing through the parking lot and to top it off there is a very close, very loud train.  
I think people might be having shopping cart races in the parking lot.  Good night. 

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